Christmas Bagel Ornament

advent children christmas christmas activity Nov 23, 2021

What is delicious, sweet, and not a piece of candy? Mini Bagel Christmas Ornament!

We give all the credit to  This treat is just happiness that our bodies need in the middle of all the holiday sugary treat craziness!

This recipe is so flexible and fun for the whole family. Below is what we used but of course pick out any of your family’s favorite veggies.

Side note: if you have picky eaters … like me … still try this recipe! My picky eater may have not eaten the entire bagel of veggies but he still had a blast being creative. And 3 bites of veggies is better than zero.  That’s a win in this mama’s book!


  • 10 mini bagels (or use round crackers)
  • 1 c. cream cheese 
  • Bell Peppers - Green, Red & Yellow
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados
  • Cucumbers for the tops
  • Toothpicks for the hooks


 Slice the mini bagels and lightly toast. 

 Slather each half with cream cheese.

 Place the cucumber on top and place a toothpick through to keep it together.


Decorate with thinly sliced veggies.

We would love to see how your family's Christmas Bagel Ornaments turn out too.  Take a picture and tag @unveilingheirs


With love, Candice

The Unveiling Heirs Team